Welcome to Sanctuary Spirit and Truth

What is Sanctuary Spirit and Truth?

Sanctuary Spirit and Truth is a young adult Eucharistic Adoration Community at the Sanctuary of The Divine Mercy. 
We gather once a week to connect, to grow and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. 
Each week we have a speaker, and discussion about the Faith, but the core of why we come together is to bask in the rays of His love and mercy radiating out of the Sacred Host. 
What we seek is summed up by John Paul II:

Is it not one of the "signs of the times" that in today's world, despite widespread secularization, there is a widespread demand for spirituality, a demand which expresses itself in large part as a renewed need for prayer? Other religions, which are now widely present in ancient Christian lands, offer their own responses to this need, and sometimes they do so in appealing ways. But we who have received the grace of believing in Christ, the revealer of the Father and the Saviour of the world, have a duty to show to what depths the relationship with Christ can lead.

The great mystical tradition of the Church of both East and West has much to say in this regard. It shows how prayer can progress, as a genuine dialogue of love, to the point of rendering the person wholly possessed by the divine Beloved, vibrating at the Spirit's touch, resting filially within the Father's heart. This is the lived experience of Christ's promise: "He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him" (Jn 14:21). It is a journey totally sustained by grace, which nonetheless demands an intense spiritual commitment and is no stranger to painful purifications (the "dark night"). But it leads, in various possible ways, to the ineffable joy experienced by the mystics as "nuptial union". (Novo Millenio Inuente)

It is intense and amazing. 

Who: Young Adults in their 20's and 30s.

What:  Spirit and Truth Eucharistic Adoration Community

When: Every Thursday 7pm to 9pm (optional 6pm for food)

Where: The Sanctuary of The Divine Mercy
1351 W. Evergreen Ave. 
Chicago, IL 60645

Why: Because we desire to be FULLY alive, in Joy and Divine Power. 

Come and see. The Spirit is calling! 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mother Nadine from the Intercessors of the Lamb

The talk we listened to last time we gathered was from Mother Nadine who is the founder of the Intercessors of the Lamb

Their formation materials and conference CD's are really wonderful. 

If you are looking to have your prayer life really grow, check them out. 

Mother Nadine's introductory talk from this year's International Conference is available on their home page (just scroll down). 

If anyone is looking to go deeper into this formation, please send me an email at

Spiritandtruth [at] sanctuaryofthedivinemercy [dot] org

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Adoration & the Spirituality of Communion by Fr. Ramil Fajardo at the Sanctaury Spirit & Truth

Many thanks to Fr. Fajardo associate pastor at St. Clement's Church in Lincoln Park, for coming at such short notice to the Sanctuary Spirit and Truth on Oct 23rd. His talk can be heard on this link. The feedback was extremely positive. Fr. Fajardo speaks about the spirituality of adoration and the spirituality of communion in the church.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Words of Faith by Fr. Brendan Gibson, SJC to Spirit and Truth at the Sanctuary

Seen here in the center back. 

The first Spirit and Truth Gathering had the priviliage of hearing Fr. Brendan Gibson, sjc speak about adoration. Some of the highlights of his talk:Always seek to remember the details of when you last recieved the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion as when you constantly recall this image and say, "Jesus, Help Me," it will stich your mind and imagination more deeply to our Lord in the Eucharist. 
  • He spoke about the Angel of Fatima and his simple prayer: MY GOD, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love Thee! I ask pardon for for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love Thee.

  • He told the story of Blessed Alexandrina of Portugal, a victim soul. There is a website about this incredible woman here. And a video of her is here. THIS IS A MUST SEE. There is footage of her in her mystically undergoing the way of the cross - I KID YOU NOT! She is undergoing the interior immolation that Our Blessed Mother experienced during her Son's sufferings. From the website:
Bedridden for life from the age of twenty, after sustaining a serious injury some years earlier while trying to escape from an attack on her virtue, she suffered unspeakable pain throughout her life and mystically underwent the Passion of Christ on Fridays to atone for the sins of humanity.  She also had frequent ecstasies during which she saw and spoke with Our Lord and Our Lady, and offered her sufferings to bring about the consecration of the world by Pope Pius XII to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, an act which in turn shortened the duration of World War II.
  • He recomended getting a candle disc (you know the kind that you get on a candle during midnight mass or Easter vigil), and keeping it as a book mark in your prayer book. This can be a helpful trigger to focus your mind and will on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This is a great little help to grow in Eucharistic mystical life. 
Thank you Fr. Gibson for coming and speaking to us with such love of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.